Here at Today’s Therapy Solutions, families are our priority. We strive to help families be as successful as they can in their community. We do this through direct service with their children, through education within the family, and through community involvement.
Our services do not end with the child; a big part of our services is teaching the families the strategies we use in therapy. We strongly feel that if the child only receives our services once or twice a week with no follow-up from the family, we have not done our job!
We also strive to perform accurate evaluations that include helpful recommendations and useful resources. Our neuropsychologist does this through using the most research based tools and keeping up to date on current resources.
The goal of the page is to help connect current, past, and potential families to useful resources. If you know of a good resource you would like to see added to our page, please contact us at
This page will continue to be updated, so please check back with us for new resources!